Green Smoothie Sunday

by jem614

By Jessica Michael

I had one of those Sundays when all you’re craving is just something healthy and green.  I had a day of eating all white pasta and processed bread the day before, which always makes me tired and run down.  I try not to eat the bad stuff but sometimes it sneaks its way in there and destroys my day.  One minute of ease can be days of unhappiness.

The great part about green smoothies is that you can be creative and make it so many different ways.  Plus, after drinking one of these you feel like you’re starting from scratch again.  Don’t we all wish we could wipe the slate clean after eating crappy?  This green monster was so refreshingly delicious, I have to go home and make another one tonight.

Sunday Greens:

8 oz. simply apples (juice)
1 Banana
4 Leaves of organic Kale (remember Kale is on the naughty list because it soaks in pesticides easily, make sure you go organic)
1/4 c. Spinach leaves
and of course, some cacao nibs for crunch

Stay thirsty my friends ;0)

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